Welcome to Illiterati Online!

Yes, I know, that’s not what you “saw” when you looked at the domain name, but SURPRISE! It’s something else entirely!

This site is primarily aimed at photography, particularly mine, but it will also host articles on a variety of subjects and other stuff.

If you already know me, you know I tend to be a more than a little profane sort of person, but for this site, I intend to (sort of) behave myself. Consider yourself warned and perhaps a bit relieved at that revelation.

Anyhow, on with the show and I hope you enjoy what you see here!

As always, most photos here are offered for sale as prints. That said, if I discover that you are STEALING my work and posting it elsewhere, things will get VERY ugly in a hurry. I have high friends in low places (or quite possibly low friends in high places) who would be more than happy to take a special interest in you.

No. I’m NOT kidding.

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